
Home > Tutorials

September 20(Sunday), 2015

Tutorial 1 (Sept. 20, 13:00~15:00)

Fundamentals for Plasmas and Processes

Chair: Prof. M. Shiratani

Lecturer: Dr. Andre Anders
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA Click to see the profile

Title: Fundamental of plasma discharge and plasma sources

In this introductory part of the short course, plasma is defined and basic plasma properties and parameters are introduced, such as the Debye length and the electron and ion plasma frequencies. Next, the plasma boundary layer, or sheath, is described as a region of critical importance to all plasma processing, including plasma-assisted deposition and etching. Various discharge types are used to produce plasmas, ranging from glow and arc discharges to radio-frequency (RF) and microwave discharges. In all cases, elastic and inelastic collisions of electrons are key to plasma generation, and therefore we consider collision cross sections and mean free path concepts, illustrated by a device called the magnetron. Building on plasma sources, ion extraction is explained leading to a clear understanding of plasma versus ion sources.

Lecturer: Prof. Hiroshi Akatsuka
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Click to see the profile

Title: Plasma Diagnostics using Optical Emission Spectroscopy

Optical Emission Spectroscopic (OES) Measurement is one of the most ideal plasma measurement methods, since it does not perturb the plasma. We would like to review various methods of OES measurement for processing plasmas in this tutorial course. First, we compare a couple of methods to diagnose processing plasmas with low-electron temperature and density, such as probe method, laser method, and OES method, and understand pros and cons of OES measurement. Then, we overview elementary processes to describe excitation kinetics in low-temperature plasmas. Next, we introduce collisional radiative (CR) model to describe number density of excited states based on the elementary processes. A method is presented to obtain electron temperature and density of plasmas based on the CR model. Next, we introduce a method to determine rotational and vibrational temperatures of electronically excited species of diatomic molecules like N2 or OH radicals in molecular gas-discharge plasmas. The rotational temperature could be useful to monitor an approximate value to the gas temperature of plasma in a state of non-equilibrium. Finally, we describe actinometry method that determines number density of atomic species, such as H, N and O, generated by dissociation reaction in molecular gas-discharge plasmas.

Lecturer: Prof. Holger Kersten
Kiel University, Germany Click to see the profile

Title: Basic aspects of dusty plasmas: generation, diagnostics and application

Powder formation, modification and trapping in gas discharges have received growing interest during the last decades. The unique possibility of dust particle confinement and control in the gas phase makes complex plasmas to excellent media for particle handling and treatment. The applications for processing of powder particles in plasma are numerous, most of them emerging in modern material science [1].
The main sources of particle generation during plasma surface processing and the formation of nano-composite materials are (i) the formation of large molecules, mesoscopic clusters and particles in the plasma bulk by chemically reactive gases, and (ii) the formation and incorporation of particles at surfaces (target, substrate) by means of plasma-wall interaction. The plasma process promotes the particle formation by excitation, dissociation and reaction of the involved species in the gas phase. Typical examples are plasma polymerization and thin film deposition in silane-containing plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) processes. The different stages of the particle growth in the gas phase can be observed by various plasma diagnostics as mass spectrometry, laser induced evaporation, photo-detachment, IR absorption, microwave cavity measurements, Mie scattering and self-excited electron resonance spectroscopy (SEERS). Common diagnostics of particle formation also use the observation and analysis of harmonics and other discharge characteristics [2, 3]. In addition to well-established plasma diagnostic methods we perform also examples of "non-conventional" low-cost diagnostics which are applicable in technological plasma processes.
On the other hand, the interaction between microscopic (probe) particles and the surrounding plasma can be used for diagnostic purposes of the complex plasma itself, e.g. by observing position and motion of the particles in dependence on the discharge parameters. For example, information on the electric field in front of electrodes and on the energy fluxes in the plasma can be obtained.


[1] H. Kersten, M. Wolter, "Complex (dusty) plasmas: Application in material processing and tools for plasma diagnostics", in: "Introduction to complex plasmas" (ed. By M. Bonitz et.al.), Springer 2010, 395-442.

[2] A. Hinz, E. Wahl, F. Faupel, T. Strunskus, H. Kersten, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48(2015) 055203.

[3] J.C. Schauer, S. Hong, J. Winter, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 13(2004), 636.

Tutorial 2 (Sept. 20, 13:00~15:00)

HiPIMS - Principle and Industrial Application

Chair: Prof. Y. Setsuhara

Lecturer : Ralf Bandorf
Fraunhofer-IST Braunschweig, Germany Click to see the profile

Lecturer: Prof. Arutiun Ehiasarian
Sheffield Hallam University, UK

HIPIMS is a highly ionized pulsed sputtering process that produces significant ionization of the sputtered materials that, in turn, enables effective surface modification by ion etching and energetic deposition. Energetic deposition allows the formation of coatings with unique or superior properties compared to other deposition processes. Presently HIPIMS is undergoing the transition from academic research to being a major industrial process.

The tutorial will cover an introduction to HIPIMS technology, providing basic principles of HIPIMS discharges and operation modes. From the motivation and idea of energetic deposition, i.e. ionized sputtering the characteristics of HIPIMS will be presented. Within the last 15 years several operation modes have evolved that allow for fine tuning. There are specific features with respect to the applied pulse pattern. Furthermore the flexibility depends on the used power supply. Therefore in another chapter available equipment for pulse generation and plasma diagnostics will be presented. Due to the high ionization special attention has to be paid for effectively biasing the substrates, if required. Also with respect of the debye length, the plasma density, and the used duty cycle for plasma diagnostic have to be considered. Finally coating systems for a broad range of applications will be presented. There will be an overview on advancements by HIPIMS in several fields, like tribological coatings, optical coatings, electrical function, medical applications, corrosion protection, space applications, … The tutorial will end with a summary on today existing HIPIMS coatings and processes on industrial scale.
Tutorial 3

Plasma Skin Rejuvenation and Dermatology

Chair : Prof. Holger Kersten Click to see the profile

Lecturers : Prof. Hans-Robert Mentelman, MD Click to see the profile

Lecturers : Prof. Dr. Thomas von Woedke Click to see the profile

  • University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
  • Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP Greifswald), Greifswald, Germany
  • National Center for Plasma Medicine (NZPM), Berlin, Germany

Aesthetic Plasma Medicine – Key Points and First Results of a Clinical Study Program in Aesthetic Medicine applying Physical Plasma.

The medical application of cold atmospheric plasma is a new and innovative therapy concept in human medicine. Due to the status quo in clinical research, plasma treatments in dermatology as well as plastic and aesthetic surgery have the best prospect to succeed. The tutorial will introduce the participants into the current state of medical applications of cold atmospheric plasma and the future prospects of plasma medicine.
In a first part, an overview about the current status of basic research to understand and explain mechanisms of biological plasma effects will be given and its relevance as scientific basis for medical plasma applications will be discussed. Because of the actual focus of plasma medicine,the second and most comprehensive part of the tutorial will be devoted to the field of wound healing. After short summaries of recent clinical trials of plasma-supplemented wound healing,the main content of this part will be the presentation and discussion of key points and first results of a systematic clinical application study program in aesthetic medicine applying cold atmospheric plasma. Participants are invited to introduce and present some of their own cases for discussing treatment options based upon plasma application.
In a final part an outlook will be given to further prospects of clinical plasma medicine with particular focus on plasma application in cancer treatment and plasma skin rejuvenation. To whom this may concern the tutorial will finished with a ten question multiple choice test covering all items presented before. Successful participation will be certified with a document to make it known, that the participant has approved the module "Aesthetic Plasma Medicine" of the Greifswald University postgraduate study program "Diploma in Aesthetic Laser Medicine (D.A.L.M.)".