Student Award

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About the award

Student Award in AEPSE2015has beenestablished to honor students who have delivered outstanding presentations in oral or poster presentationduringAEPSE2015 for encouragement of future progress of young students in research on plasma surface engineering.

Award Package

The maximum number of 6 winners will be selected in this conference.
Each of the award winners will receive a certificate of the award.
Each of finalists except the award winners will also receive a certificate of the finalist.

Rules and Eligibility

The award is open to all students who are undergraduate, master or Ph.D students.
The students who wish to receive for the student award should apply upon abstract submission which will be notified to mark in the abstract submission in the web site of AEPSE2015 from April 1, 2015. The applicants must have completed the submission of abstract and registration as a presenter eitherin oral or poster presentation in AEPSE2015.
The applicants must submit the recommendation letter of 1 page maximum given by the advisor to by the abstract submission deadline, May 31th, 2015.

Upon evaluations of the applicants'documents, the award finalists are to be selected.The finalists shall be asked to make additional presentations in the "Finalist Session for Student Award", which is to be held on September 22nd, 2015, and deliver their oral presentations. It is noted that the finalist must have completed the registration process of AEPSE2015 before his or her presentation in the Finalist Session. The Student Award Committee will select the winners of the Student Award based on the documents and presentation.