Title | Name | Affiliation | Nationality | Presentation title |
Dr. | Andre Anders | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | USA | Fundamentals of plasma discharges and plasma sources |
Prof. | Hiroshi Akatsuka | Tokyo Inst. Tech. | JAPAN | Plasma Diagnostics using Optical Emission Spectroscopy |
Prof. | Holger Kersten | Kiel University | GERMANY | Basic aspects of dusty plasmas: generation, diagnostics and application |
Title | Name | Affiliation | Nationality | Presentation title |
Prof. | Arutiun Ehiasarian | Sheffild Hallem University | UK | High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering : Plasma Properties and Coating Growth |
Dr. | Ralf Bandorf | Fraunhofer-IST Braunschweig/td> | GERMANY | High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering |
Title | Name | Affiliation | Nationality | Presentation title |
Prof. | Hans-Robert Metelmann | Greifswald University | GERMANY | Aesthetic Plasma Medicine - Key Points and First Results of a Clinical Study Program in Aesthetic Medicine applying Physical Plasma |
Prof. | Thomas Von Woedtke | INP Greifswald e.V | GERMANY | Aesthetic Plasma Medicine |
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